Thursday, January 27, 2011

Fire Emblem Sword Seals English

Pastry simple and lightweight

This is a basic recipe for all your pies, sweet or salty.
She is from my mom, occasionally, when she needs a pastry dough not to make a pie takes 5 minutes to make a pastry base.

Yes I do mean no more 5 minutes! (Except one hour of rest in the fridge) it should also be noted that there is no butter in the dough, which I think will please a lot of people. (January. .. good resolutions that tells you something?)

In any case this note in your dough recipe book to help you out anytime.

I've made a pie recipe with brown sugar simple with this dough I'll post tomorrow.

Ingredients: 180g flour

100g cream cheese 1 tbsp oil
3 tablespoons water if dough

salt 70g sugar and salt dough so sweet!

That is simple.

- in a bowl mix all ingredients in the order chosen, then add salt or sugar
- mix with a spoon for 30 seconds
- then form a ball of dough with your hand (maybe a spoon tablespoons of extra water is necessary to have a good solid paste)
- surround a wrap
- leave one hour the fridge

The dough can also be stored in the freezer for making reservation if necessary.


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